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Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Slowed the Sun

Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Slowed the Sun

These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘How Māui Slowed the Sun’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends. Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*). Activities: ♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words * ♦ Word search * ♦ Order events in the story * ♦ Similes – write and draw 4 similes * ♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards * ♦ Music – Sound effect cards * ♦ Storyboard – with words * ♦ Storyboard – without words ♦ Write a poem (noun, adjectives, verbs, thought, synonym) ♦ Acrostic poem ♦ Jawbone – decorate and write ♦ List – write a list of possible jobs people had to do during the short days ♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc ♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking ♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome ♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable) ♦ Art – draw a face on the sun ♦ Newspaper article – write and draw ♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph ♦ Bookmark ♦ Character traits ♦ Wall ball – write and draw ♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable) ♦ Art – decorate the sun in the same style as the illustrator ♦ Pattern art ♦ Book cover – design a new one ♦ Book dust jacket ♦ Story review ♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings. ♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants ♦ Postage stamp design ♦ Award design ♦ T-shirt design ♦ Flip-flap booklet – 4 flaps (paper foldable) ♦ Postcard ♦ Comic strip ♦ Reporter questions ♦ Email writing ♦ Letter writing ♦ Selfie photo drawing ♦ Text writing ♦ Gift giving – think and write ♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm ♦ Binoculars – draw and write ♦ I-pad – draw picture ♦ Party plan ♦ Bedroom plan ♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity ♦ Bingo board templates ♦ Graphic organiser – staying safe in the sun ♦ Poster design – how to be sun smart ♦ Reading challenge Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities. Designed on A4 size paper. The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Found the Secret of Fire

Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Found the Secret of Fire

These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘How Māui Found the Secret of Fire. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends. Designed for New Zealand classrooms. Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*). Activities: ♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words * ♦ Word search * ♦ Order events in the story * ♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards * ♦ Music – Sound effect cards * ♦ Storyboard – with words * ♦ Storyboard – without words ♦ Write a poem (noun, adjectives, verbs, thought, synonym) ♦ Acrostic poem ♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc ♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking ♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome ♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable) ♦ Write and illustrate a new excuse ♦ Newspaper article – write and draw ♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph ♦ Bookmark ♦ Character traits ♦ Wall ball – write and draw ♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable) ♦ Art – decorate the hand in the same style as the illustrator ♦ Pattern art - hand ♦ Book cover – design a new one ♦ Book dust jacket ♦ Story review ♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings. ♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants ♦ Postage stamp design ♦ Award design ♦ T-shirt design ♦ Flip-flap booklet – (paper foldable) ♦ Postcard ♦ Comic strip ♦ Reporter questions ♦ Email writing ♦ Letter writing – to the author ♦ Letter writing – apology letter to Mahuika ♦ Selfie photo drawing ♦ Text writing ♦ Gift giving – think and write ♦ Word work – adjectives and verbs about fire ♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm ♦ Binoculars – draw and write ♦ I-pad – draw picture ♦ Party plan ♦ Bedroom plan ♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity ♦ Bingo board templates ♦ Graphic organiser – fire safety ♦ Poster design – fire safety ♦ Reading challenge Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities. Designed on A4 size paper. The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Māori Myths and Legends – The Fish of Māui

Māori Myths and Legends – The Fish of Māui

These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘The Fish of Māui’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends. Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*). Activities: ♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words * ♦ Word search * ♦ Order events in the story * ♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards * ♦ Music – Sound effect cards * ♦ Storyboard – with words * ♦ Storyboard – without words ♦ Write a poem (noun, adjectives, verbs, thought, synonym) ♦ Acrostic poem ♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc ♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking ♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable) ♦ Newspaper article – write and draw ♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph ♦ Bookmark ♦ Character traits ♦ Wall ball – write and draw ♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable) ♦ Art – decorate the jawbone in the same style as the illustrator ♦ Pattern art ♦ Book cover – design a new one ♦ Book dust jacket ♦ Story review ♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings. ♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants ♦ Postage stamp design ♦ Award design ♦ T-shirt design ♦ Flip-flap booklet – 4 flaps (paper foldable) ♦ Postcard ♦ Comic strip ♦ Reporter questions ♦ Email writing ♦ Letter writing ♦ Selfie photo drawing ♦ Text writing ♦ Gift giving – think and write ♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm ♦ Binoculars – draw and write ♦ I-pad – draw picture ♦ Party plan ♦ Bedroom plan ♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity ♦ Bingo board templates ♦ Jawbone – what would you like to catch? ♦ Drawing – sea creature in the shape of the North Island ♦ Graphic Organiser – hīnaki fishing – research and write notes ♦ Graphic Organiser – traditional Māori fishing – research and write notes ♦ Graphic organiser – fishing rules ♦ Poster design – fishing safety ♦ Reading challenge Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities. Designed on A4 size paper. The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Found his Mother

Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Found his Mother

These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘How Māui Found his Mother. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends. Designed for New Zealand classrooms. Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*). Activities: ♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words * ♦ Word search * ♦ Order events in the story * ♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards * ♦ Music – Sound effect cards * ♦ Storyboard – with words * ♦ Storyboard – without words ♦ Write a poem (noun, adjectives, verbs, thought, synonym) ♦ Acrostic poem ♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc ♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking ♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome ♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable) ♦ Vocabulary word match – cut and paste ♦ Newspaper article – write and draw ♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph ♦ Bookmark ♦ Character traits ♦ Wall ball – write and draw ♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable) ♦ Art – decorate the topknot in the same style as the illustrator ♦ Pattern art - topknot ♦ Book cover – design a new one ♦ Book dust jacket ♦ Story review ♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings. ♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants ♦ Postage stamp design ♦ Award design ♦ T-shirt design ♦ Flip-flap booklet – (paper foldable) ♦ Postcard ♦ Comic strip ♦ Reporter questions ♦ Email writing ♦ Letter writing – to the author ♦ Letter writing – to Māui ♦ Selfie photo drawing ♦ Text writing ♦ Gift giving – think and write ♦ Art – draw a picture in the topknot and write about it ♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm ♦ Binoculars – draw and write ♦ I-pad – draw picture ♦ Party plan ♦ Bedroom plan ♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity ♦ Bingo board templates ♦ Graphic organiser – mothers ♦ Graphic organiser – research facts about kereru ♦ List writing – things your mother/father have taught you ♦ Reading challenge Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities. Designed on A4 size paper. The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Māori Myths and Legends – The Giant of Lake Wakatipu

Māori Myths and Legends – The Giant of Lake Wakatipu

These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘The Giant of Lake Wakatipu’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends. Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*). Activities: ♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words * ♦ Word search * ♦ Order events in the story * ♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards * ♦ Music – Sound effect cards * ♦ Creative drawing – 2 headed dog * ♦ Storyboard – with words * ♦ Storyboard – without words ♦ Write a poem (noun, verbs, adjectives, synonym) ♦ Acrostic poem ♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc ♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking ♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome ♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable) ♦ Newspaper article – write and draw ♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph ♦ Bookmark ♦ Creative thinking – giant killing plan and equipment needed ♦ Character traits ♦ Wall ball – write and draw ♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable) ♦ Art – decorate the footprint in the same style as the illustrator ♦ Pattern art ♦ Book cover – design a new one ♦ Book dust jacket ♦ Story review ♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings. ♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants ♦ Postage stamp design ♦ Award design ♦ T-shirt design ♦ Flip-flap booklet – 4 flaps (paper foldable) ♦ Postcard ♦ Comic strip ♦ Reporter questions ♦ Email writing ♦ Letter writing ♦ Selfie photo drawing ♦ Text writing ♦ Gift giving – think and write ♦ Missing poster ♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm ♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity ♦ Binoculars – draw and write ♦ I-pad – draw picture ♦ Party plan ♦ Bedroom plan ♦ Bingo board templates ♦ Water safety – write some rules ♦ Water safety – design a poster ♦ Reading challenge Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities. Designed on A4 size paper. The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Matariki – Stamps

Matariki – Stamps

20 Matariki themed postage stamps to adorn your classroom walls while celebrating the Māori New Year. Blank templates to design your own stamp. For example: ♦ what image comes into your mind when you think about Matariki? ♦ what are you doing with your family/friends to celebrate Matariki? (or would like to do). ♦ an image from a story you have read while learning about Matariki. ♦ a decorative star. Please note that the stamps do not contain the word NEW ZEALAND or AOTEAROA, like a regular postage stamp would. This was simply a design decision I made as I felt the stamps looked too cluttered with it. Designed on A4 size paper. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Matariki – Traditional Māori Kites

Matariki – Traditional Māori Kites

A scavenger hunt and activity sheets for learning about Māori kites (manu tukutuku) from long ago. All of the information used in this resource was sourced from books and the internet. The Scavenger Hunt: Place the cards around the room. Your students walk around with a question sheet and they read the information on the cards to answer the questions. The cards have numbers that correspond to the question numbers. ♦ 22 information cards (2 per A4 sheet). ♦ Student question sheet (they write the answers on this too) ♦ Answer sheet (for marking) I have written the information in ‘kid speak’ to the best that I could. The font is size 20 so it can be read from a bit of a distance. The answers that your students record are all simple answers (1-2 words). I would estimate the required reading age to be 8+ years (for independent reading of the cards). Lower ability students can buddy up with a friend during the scavenger hunt if necessary. All of the cards are ink-friendly black and white. Of course, you don’t have to use the cards as a scavenger hunt. They can be used for whatever purpose you wish. Chart: An A4 size chart that shows 6 reasons why Māori made and flew kites. Pictures: 4 coloured pictures (A4 size) that were hand drawn by a NZ artist (based on her interpretation). Use these on a wall display or as an aid for learning. The same pictures (in black and white) have been used throughout this resource. Activity Sheets: ♦ Word search. ♦ Venn diagram (comparing/contrasting Māori kites with modern day kites). ♦ Acrostic poem (kites / manu tukutuku). ♦ Letter boxes (word work activity). ♦ Kite design (design a kite and list equipment needed). ♦ Did you know … (write information in the speech bubble. ♦ Graphic organisers (for students to present research information on). ♦ Senses (what did they look/smell/feel/sound like?) ♦ Postage stamp design ♦ Trifold (for students to present research information on). ♦ Diorama (for students to present research information on). ♦ Flip flap (variety of uses). ♦ Interview questions (write questions you would like to ask an expert about). ♦ Kites ‘can/have/are’ graphic organiser. ♦ Procedural writing template – how to make a kite. Made on A4 size paper. ********************************************************************** © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Valentine's Day - Secret Code Wheels - BUNDLE

Valentine's Day - Secret Code Wheels - BUNDLE

This is a bundle of secret code wheels that are for Valentine’s Day. There are 6 different types of code wheels: * Alphabet and alphabet (ordered a-z) * Alphabet and alphabet (jumbled) * Alphabet and number (ordered 1-26) * Alphabet and number (jumbled) * Alphabet and symbol * Blank - write the alphabet and create your own code Each resource has 15 code wheel templates, each with Valentine’s Day pictures on the inner wheel. 5 of the resources contain a Valentine’s Day joke for your students to decipher with their wheel (the blank one doesn't contain the joke). All of the resources contain a Valentine’s Day themed template for writing a secret code on (lined and unlined) as well as 2 card templates. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources
Christmas Secret Code Wheels - Bundle

Christmas Secret Code Wheels - Bundle

This is a bundle of secret code wheels that have a Christmas Theme. There are 6 different types of code wheels: * Alphabet and alphabet (ordered a-z) * Alphabet and alphabet (jumbled) * Alphabet and number (ordered 1-26) * Alphabet and number (jumbled) * Alphabet and symbol * Blank - write the alphabet and create your own code Each resource has 16 Christmas designs on the inner wheel. 5 of the resources contain Christmas jokes for your students to decipher with their wheel (the blank one doesn't contain the jokes). All of the resources contain Christmas themed templates for writing a secret code on. View the individual listings for additional details. © Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources